project: CH-R20190731
designer: Jevons W.
co-designer: Jill C., Jennifer K.
location: Taiwan
area: 330 square meter
material: Bolon rugs, tiles, laminates, wood, concrete screen blocks, metal, glass brick
photography: Jevons W.
The old building with four floors is located in an alley. There is daylighting on the side, However, because of the wrong interior space planning, the advantages of the site cannot be used effectively and comfortably.
Space Partition Review
1. Integrating scattered spaces
2. Redefining public space (green), private space (red) and service space (yellow)
3. The structure of the double vertical route is determined
The reconfigured space opens a daylighting patio in the middle of the building, allowing light to enter the room more efficiently, and integrates scattered fragmentary space into a complete public activity space and storage space, allowing the indoor walking sight more spacious.
We chose blue of various chromaticities and materials as the carrier of the space throughout the vertical spaces of the interior, and matched the vertical and horizontal interlaced mass inlays in each node to make the connection between the virtual and the real in the space more harmonious.
Abandoning the traditional enclosed kitchen style, bringing the light from the living room and patio into the dining and kitchen area, in addition to making the spaces more transparent, it also increases the chances of conversations between family members’ daily behaviours, from the kitchen to the island. A series of paths to the dining table and the sofa in the living room overlap each other a small part.
Through the rearrangement of the living room on the first floor, the patio lighting in the middle of the building is reserved for the dining table on the first floor. In addition to lighting considerations, there is also a space for the whole family to eat together. The dining chandelier can use natural light or artificial light to light up the tabletop where family members gather, no matter in the clear day or night. No matter which floor of the house, as long as the family member can know the house is open for dinner!
About this winding ladder
A thin but high-strength structure is constructed through the succinct lines of the steel plate. In addition to greatly increasing the lighting in the centre of the building, the communication between the floors is also closer. The floors are no longer independent and unrelated individuals, and the vertical route lines effectively inlay the horizontal space tightly.
The vertical route that plays a vital role in the entire space has been compressed in the narrow staircases. After reconfiguration, the "stairs" that are not related to the living spaces on each floor are transformed into those that embrace the patio and let the sunshine.
The space boundary between the floors is blurred on each floor. In addition to the path leading to each floor, it can also be the stopping point of family members and visitors in the open space.
在二樓主臥層規劃Multifunctional room,平時將拉門完全打開讓陽光灑落室內,落地窗捲簾放下可作為投影布幕,需要時可將四扇拉門完全關起變成獨立房間。
The Multifunctional room is located on the second floor. Usually, the sliding doors are fully opened to let the sunshine into the room. The floor-to-ceiling window shutters can be used as projection screens. When necessary, the four sliding doors can be completely closed to become a separate room.
主臥的大面積採光讓睡眠空間在白天可以充分接受日照,更衣室(walk in closet)安排在主臥背牆後,避免陽光直射。
The large area of lighting in the master bedroom allows the sleeping space to fully receive sunlight during the day, and the walk-in closet is arranged behind the back wall of the master bedroom to avoid direct sunlight.
After re-planning the plane layout, the toilets and bathrooms that were hidden under the stairs are moved to a position with sufficient ventilation and lighting. Through the reorganization of the space, the actual usable area was increased, which not only improved the user experience but also improved the interior quality.